I am not only the first member of PalsToo, but also it founder. As a former electrical engineer, I believe in the use of technology to advance the kingdom of God and the Church of Jesus Christ. My purpose in starting PalsToo is to strengthen and build relationships within the membership of Faith Harvest Church (FHC), and with the pals (friends) of FHC. I hope you will take the time to introduce yourself to us on the PalsToo forum. Perhaps you could share along the lines of how long you have been saved, what church you are a member of, your favorite bible verse, what you do for a living, and marital/family status. Having said that, my favorite scripture is 1 Peter 2:24, I hold a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, a former marine, will be celebrating 40 years of marriage this September, 2017, and have two adult children, Aaron and Autumn.